Good day.
Boxing -
In the process, we need to display 2 addresses: the start and end of the route. Currently, these are additional fields of type string.
After integration with Google maps, I see only one field "Address of the client of the process", where there may be a hint from google maps. Can we set up another such field (with a hint from google)? Tell me how it can be implemented? Or maybe there are some alternatives?
Also, for building a route in the interface, there is a block "Determining the route by subtasks on the map", but it displays the route only if you enter the initial coordinates (the third point).
Is it possible to replace these coordinates with a variable, or add an address instead of coordinates? Maybe there is another functionality for building routes?
Good day. Boxing - In the process, we need to display 2 addresses: the start and end of the route. Currently, these are additional fields of type string. After integration with Google maps, I see only one field "Address of the client of the process", where there may be a hint from google maps. Can we set up another such field (with a hint from google)? Tell me how it can be implemented? Or maybe there are some alternatives? Also, for building a route in the interface, there is a block "Determining the route by subtasks on the map", but it displays the route only if you enter the initial coordinates (the third point). Is it possible to replace these coordinates with a variable, or add an address instead of coordinates? Maybe there is another functionality for building routes?
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