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Search results for query #api v2

0 replies
26.09.2022, 16:43
Invisibility of API description and actual work
Attaching the description of the totalsumcheck field from the API. In fact, the system records the difference in the Additional expenses field, whi...
1 answer
22.09.2022, 18:20
API v2
I studied the material as much as I could!... I don't understand how to make a selection by ID to the list of products - I tried everything tha...
2015936920 - Added api v2
For api v2, the ability to accept all filters and their values on two movs (Russian and Ukrainian) has been added. The filters array now has keys: ...
6 replies
20.03.2022, 19:41
decryption of errors, logs
Good evening, when creating a new process, an error arrives in the response - The first element of the processes array is missing. When sending a r...
3 answer
24.10.2021, 21:57
Pardon at the closing of the prayer
Good afternoon. Roblu to write to 'api/v2/order/set/' I take such a pardon Error updating item number 0 on the account. Executing error: Un...

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