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Search results for query #штрих-код товара

5 replies
30.12.2020, 18:49
evaluating the extension of the block "Search for goods by barcode"
The client to carry out operations for the help of a barcode scanner. The barcode of the product is stocked with 14 symbols (to the butt) 503011662...
1 answer
29.10.2020, 16:45
Showing fields on the stock balance page
Good afternoon in the balance in the warehouse, the field "barcode of goods in stock" is empty http://joxi.ru/Dr87d0VTM4kkZA but in the p...
Barcode Scanner
When adding products to the posting through the scanner, not only the products that we scan are added, but everything that is in the box (some posi...
9 replies
23.09.2020, 17:35
Please display the barcode in the section Remains in warehouses. This is the most generic item identifier. It is vital. Also, there is a field Barc...
4 answer
01.09.2020, 15:29
Would like to know if CRM can generate barcodes?

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