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Search results for query #новаяпочта

All addresses have disappeared and the Nova Poshta application does not work
https://tiva.crm-onebox.com/ - CRM did not work in the morning (judging by the forum, not only here). Now the CRM is working, but all the addresses...
1 answer
OS - updating balances with New mail Logistic
We made revisions to pick up the leftovers from NP Logistic. - Installed the application NP Logistic - Enabled hourly action Import leftover produc...
1 answer
Parcels are not shipped to the Nova Poshta branch
Colleagues, good afternoon! We have a failure in the system, it doesn’t send to the branch, although I press the warehouse warehouse, select the ci...
16 replies
12.03.2021, 15:34
Dimensions and volumetric weight in tons of Nova Poshta are not transferred
If the Hide all fields except weight and volumetric weight setting is enabled in the Sending parameters section, dimensions and volumetric weight i...
9 replies
12.03.2021, 13:57
Doesn't work automatically
We have a stage in the BP Customer order on which there is an action "Transfer to this stage if the new mail stage has changed. This action st...
3 answer
КОмпания "Моношоп". Владелец
14.01.2021, 23:24
Doesn't create TTN, bug.
In the order to the client, we have the procedure "Create TTN" It works intermittently and sometimes gives a "Recipient not found&qu...

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