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Search results for query #массовая печать

3 answer
11.12.2021, 20:24
Buttons for mass printing of TTN Justin do not work
Например тут https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/app/workflowtype-order/?dumpHash=&modelist=...
Bulk printing by Ukrainian mail
With the mass printing of TTN Ukrainian. mail opens data in separate tabs for each TTN. This is very inconvenient for printing. Is it possible to m...
Refinement: with mass printing, what would be thrown into the next. stage
Good afternoon, we need to make a function in which we will press the "Print label 100x100" button and the order will automatically be th...
Does not print bulk TTN
In the list of orders, I select orders with TTNs (screen 1), I select print-TTN in the bulk changes panel (screen 2). As a result, I get a white sc...
12 replies
12.10.2020, 10:46
Bulk Print Processes
Opened processes http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/list/customorder/logistika/1428514/logistika/ There are 57 processes in total I select them all, tick...

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