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Search results for query #дополнительное поле склада

3 answer
29.12.2021, 12:44
Date of posting and value of add. warehouse fields
Good afternoon! Please tell me 2 points about the warehouse: 1. How to copy the posting date of the goods in the add. process product field ? 2. Ho...
22 answer
16.12.2021, 11:15
Additional warehouse field
https://rivcont.info/app/storage/orderstoragefield/7/ We want to make the "Automatically fill in from additional product fields" setting,...
1 answer
06.10.2020, 10:14
Filter by the additional field of goods in the warehouse log and stock balances
Can I add a filter by additional fields of goods in the warehouse journal and in the balance in warehouses? https://prnt.sc/utw6jh and https://prnt...
2015124657 - Improved the action "Copy the value of the warehouse additional field into the additional field of the process product"
For the action "Copy the value of the additional warehouse field into the additional field of the process product", the ability to specif...
2015009478 - Added the action “Copy the value of the warehouse additional field to the additional field of the process product”
A new BP action “Copy the value of the additional warehouse field into the additional field of the process product” has been added. The action comp...

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