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supplier prices are not updated

price lists from suppliers are not updated (manually and through automation)
Manually gives an error price not recognized
Because of automation, nothing just works
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day. You have incorrect price list import settings.
Here is an example from the last uploaded file, which I substituted during manual import. It is clearly visible that at least the supplier price is taken from the wrong field, probably this entry is considered invalid and ignored like all the others.
19.08.2024, 16:12
Original comment available on version: ru

you have a check mark "Do not import products with an empty or zero price." and due to the fact that in the column with the price, for example, Stokshina, the price is 0 and the price is not loaded
19.08.2024, 16:33
Original comment available on version: ua

thanks, fixed it, have a nice day!
20.08.2024, 10:40
Original comment available on version: ua

Please mark which of the answers helped you. Thank you
20.08.2024, 12:54
Original comment available on version: ua

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