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Site box.detal-trafic.com.ua install certificate

Most likely the certificate has expired.
Please extend, issue an invoice and we will pay!!!
Thank you!
The connection is not secure
Attackers may be trying to steal your data from box.detal-trafic.com.ua (for example, passwords, messages, or bank card numbers). Read more…
The server cannot confirm connection with the box.detal-trafic.com.ua domain. Its security certificate expired 18 days ago. Perhaps the server is configured incorrectly, or someone is trying to intercept your data. Please note that the clock on your computer is set to Friday, November 19, 2021. Is this the correct time? If not, change it and refresh the page.
Go to box.detal-trafic.com.ua (unsafe)
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
Certificate installation work 1 hour.
19.11.2021, 11:27
Original comment available on version: ru

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