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Additional field search not working

Here is a field
The field is full ( is in the order list)

In global search settings
have this field

A couple of days have passed, but the search does not occur
Here is an example

search through the block at the top right in orders - also does not search

Please correct, or how to make it look for both there and there:?
Original question is available on version: ru


Due to the long running time of the minute cron, the data did not have time to be reindexed. At the moment, the search has been reindexed and it works
21.01.2022, 14:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Still not working

OneBox production wrote:
Due to the long running time of the minute cron, the data did not have time to be reindexed. At the moment, the search has been reindexed and it works
02.02.2022, 01:02
Original comment available on version: ru

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