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Free OneBox Workshop Plan for Those Who Really Want to Change

#plan 5 #workshop ????????
Main Meta Workshop:
DETAILS: https://t.me/c/1499722017/1252
Lay down the foundations of the development and launch of your own business processes.
At the basis of template solutions.
Dodatkov meta workshop:
DETAILS: https://t.me/c/1499722017/1237)
Take away new professional skills, so that you can get to know the work, or independently establish control over the power business.
At the core of the practice:
- Logic of design and improvement of processes.
- Razv'yazannya tasks, yakі zapuskayutsya for processes.
- Achievement of excellent results in the development of tasks.
There are 15 group sessions planned.
According to the skin, you will be the housekeeper of the obov'yazkove until the vikonanny.
Nalashtuvannya rob at your own OneBox, which you register.
Participation in the workshop is free.
Skin may be possible to take:
- Vlasny free OneBox with yoga povnym independent administrators;
- all necessary materials before the workshop for yoga;
- motiv
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