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Products are not displayed when opened by category, although when opened by a list there are

Good afternoon. When I open category products as a list, I see 6 products http://joxi.ru/L21BNWbHzvDBEA, but if I open categories there are no products, please correct
Original question is available on version: ru


Probably, when importing goods, somehow the category tree was not built relative to the specified products.
I can offer a script to rebuild the tree for all products (for free) - you need to clarify the link to OneBox.
If you have information as a result of what happened (how the products were imported and whether it is repeated now for new imports) - you can provide such information.
14.07.2021, 16:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim, just in case, I’ll clarify that for these 6 products the specified category is an additional category. When displayed as a list - we see all the products (even if this is an additional category for the product), but when displayed in categories - we see the number of 6 pieces and there are no products
14.07.2021, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

Shatokhina Irina wrote:
Maxim, just in case, I’ll clarify that for these 6 products the specified category is an additional category. When displayed as a list - we see all the products (even if this is an additional category for the product), but when displayed in categories - we see the number of 6 pieces and there are no products

This made my job easier. Corrected.
15.07.2021, 14:39
Original comment available on version: ru

thanks, everything is fine
15.07.2021, 14:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Shatokhina Irina wrote:
thanks, everything is fine

The solution provided above led to issues. Rolled him back.
I will take this appeal to find a solution (maybe we will come up with something in the future) - but at the moment it is impossible to show in the way of displaying by Directories - products from additional categories.
16.07.2021, 10:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Agreed, I'll wait for a decision
16.07.2021, 10:43
Original comment available on version: ru

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