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Mass posting of goods to warehouse bins

Good afternoon! Client box: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/
We implement address storage in the Warehouse. To do this, we created a tree of cells in it, as shown in the base video manual: https://crm.kidzaza.com.ua/admin/cell/manage/35/
By the way, the question is: why can't the created cells be set in bulk with the "Cell can participate in warehouse operations" parameter (https://prnt.sc/10c4odj)?
Let's move on to posting (Warehouses - Posting products). Upload the xls-file with the necessary products (the fields are filled according to the template https://prnt.sc/10c4sfw - I will attach the file to the letter). We see that the goods are pulled up, but the "Cell" field is not filled (https://prnt.sc/10c4u1l) - why? You can only select from the drop-down list manually. We have a lot of goods - this is not an option. How to set up bulk loading of products with cells?
PS One cell can contain several goods (there must be an unlimited number).
Also, for posting, we
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon, these points can be solved in 2 hours of revision or for free if you switch to the cloud.
04.03.2021, 15:18
Original comment available on version: ru

Gimli son of Gloin
dwarf wrote:
Good afternoon, these points can be solved in 2 hours of revision or for free if you switch to the cloud.

Good afternoon. Can you please tell me what is the second option? What does this mean and what should be done?
04.03.2021, 16:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Gimli son of Gloin
dwarf wrote:
Good afternoon, these points can be solved in 2 hours of revision or for free if you switch to the cloud.

join the decision.
04.03.2021, 16:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Irina, looked at the code. In terms of places, you can help specifying the id of the cells instead of their names.
The second point means that if you switch to a cloud plan, we will do it for you for free.
05.03.2021, 16:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Gimli son of Gloin
dwarf wrote:
Irina, looked at the code. In terms of places, you can help specifying the id of the cells instead of their names.
The second point means that if you switch to a cloud plan, we will do it for you for free.

Good afternoon! We tried several options for specifying cell IDs instead of a name - it still doesn't work, they don't pull up. Cloud rates are not of interest to us yet - licenses are enough.
We agree to 2 hours of revision to solve the above points: mass posting of goods to the cells of the Warehouse (one cell can contain an unlimited number of units and product IDs), the cells should be recognized by their name and automatically pulled into the appropriate field at the time of posting by both methods.
File for tests in the first message. It contains test goods with which you can carry out various manipulations without fear and risk.
We are waiting for the invoice to be paid. Thank you.
08.03.2021, 10:54
Original comment available on version: ru

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