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Client box https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/
• Bulk import of "Cell by default" values
We ran into a similar issue when checking in a product, which is described here:
We have a large number of cells in stock (more than 1500 pieces). We have included them here: https://psauto.crm-onebox.com/admin/cell/manage/23/ . Now the task is to set for all positions that we have in the database - the parameter "Default cell" (https://prnt.sc/wctgue) , which will be pulled up when the action "Set default cells for process products" is performed. (https://prnt.sc/wcthwg) . It was not possible to do this on our own, because. the default cell, so far, is set only in manual mode, for each individual position. We need: the simplest and fastest solution, how can we fill in the “Default Cell” parameter for all products in the system. In fact, we will use this tool very rarely,
Original question is available on version: ru


Please evaluate these improvements or suggest alternative solutions to the situation
30.12.2020, 12:47
Original comment available on version: ru

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