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Webhook when updating a product


yes. Just be very careful with this, as the box will wait for a response from your service during the product update. Accordingly, the webhook should be accepted very quickly.
26.03.2025, среда, 13:01
Original comment available on version: ru

adding doesn't work, an error is visible in the console
27.03.2025, четверг, 16:13
Original comment available on version: ru

this is not an error but just a log. You can't add an action to the automation page or what? Make a video of what you can't do please - it will be much clearer.
27.03.2025, четверг, 16:42
Original comment available on version: ru

Commentary is available in ua and not yet translated to the current language.
28.03.2025, пятница, 09:49

The action should be added at the very beginning, did you look at the beginning of the page?
28.03.2025, пятница, 11:37
Original comment available on version: ru

ok, is there something similar for product categories?
28.03.2025, пятница, 15:54
Original comment available on version: ru

no. If you want to synchronize the full directory of products and categories, it is better to use the API or download to XML once an hour and read and update the necessary entities on your second resource.
28.03.2025, пятница, 16:10
Original comment available on version: ru

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