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Importing products, truncates text when importing

entered keywords for products in excel, when importing, the side cuts off keywords, imports a small chatina in a random city...
I tried to import keywords into the additional field, then the entire text is garbled https://prnt.sc/V-ZnJMMQJtbe
Original question is available on version: ua


Good day.
The length of the specified field is 255 characters. Your text may be larger than this value, so it cuts off part of the text.
If necessary, we can increase this limit for your project, for example, to 500 characters - it will take 1 hour of finalization.
13.11.2023, 08:27
Original comment available on version: ua

sure, thanks
I will try to fit in the limit
13.11.2023, 10:52
Original comment available on version: ua

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