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Calculate the value according to the formula and write in the specified field how to add the change (name of the product in Ukrainian)

action - Calculate the value according to the formula and write it in the specified field...
I can't find a variable in order to calculate the new name of the product according to the formula
I need a change (product name in UKR)
in Available variables: - there is a name of the product [name] it is in Russian... and I need it in Ukrainian.
tried [nameua] [name_ua] does not work
Original question is available on version: ua


developer, give a comment, where to find the product name variable in Ukrainian for the formula in automation for products?
09.11.2023, 14:27
Original comment available on version: ua

You can use the action “Calculate the value using a formula and write in the specified field”, which has variables with different languages ​​for writing in the field using the desired formula
In the action "Fill in SEO fields of products based on a template" there are no these variables; you can add the necessary fields in another language in 1 hour
30.11.2023, 18:31
Original comment available on version: ru

OneBox production wrote:
You can use the "Calculate value by formula and write in specified field" action, which has variables with different language to write in the field according to the desired formula
There are no data variables in the "Fill SEO product fields based on a template" action, you can add the necessary fields in another language in 1h

ok let's do it
01.12.2023, 14:31
Original comment available on version: ua

added required variables to "Fill SEO product fields based on template" action
07.12.2023, 18:23
Original comment available on version: ua

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