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Product display problem

Good afternoon

Something happened with the display of products.

First, the picture has changed in the products, and now in the order.

If in products it still looks tolerable (although it’s rather bad, due to the fact that it is cut off, it’s not clear at all what kind of product.)

On the order page, it's just awful, the picture is huge, which increases the product field itself by 3-4 times, when there are 30...50...100 products, it's impossible to work at all. Also, the picture itself is not adjusted to a given square template, but simply cut off, so it is not at all clear what kind of product. In addition to all this, it takes up space not only in height but also in width, which interferes with work, because the necessary columns move out and you need to constantly flip through the sides.

Can I do it as it was before or specify the size of this square myself somehow?

Thank you in advance!
Original question is available on version: ru


Устименко Татьяна
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Good afternoon. We have this problem too. We also ask you to return it as it was. In the order in the list of products, now only 2 products are displayed on the screen due to large pictures. We have many orders with many positions. With the new display, it is not possible to process orders normally.
We haven't reduced anything. https://prnt.sc/RGhwB9FQ1Fs2
17.08.2023, 09:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Потяко Дмитро Олександрович
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we have the same problem. If there are a lot of products in the process, the page with the process is loaded in about a minute. Most likely this is due to the fact that the pictures have become larger and it takes time to load. Correct please.
Boxing: crm.sportmarket.ua
17.08.2023, 09:59
Original comment available on version: ru

Устименко Татьяна
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Now the photos have become smaller, but there is still a lot of "extra" empty space above and below the line https://prnt.sc/MlkZ_C9MV6ra . Please do as it was before, so that the space on the page is effectively used. Is it possible to do as on the left (in the yellow frame) https://prnt.sc/IgRyuF6RLEwW? now as on the right (in the red box).
17.08.2023, 10:12
Original comment available on version: ru

Устименко Татьяна
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And still now there is a problem with the fact that the photo is cropped. Not all photos fit into such a square, on some products it is difficult to understand at all what is shown in the photo. This was not the case before. Previously, the photo was proportionally reduced.
17.08.2023, 10:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Захарюгин Юрий Олегович
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Good day
also a problem, in the order in the table of products and in the search for products, the photo of the product has become large, if there are 5...10 products ordered, then you have to scroll the table for a long time, it is not convenient.
as an option, I propose to make some adjustments to the size of the picture, and everyone will be able to set the size of the image of the product in their own way
thank you
17.08.2023, 10:26
Original comment available on version: ua

https://sara.1box.link/61244/ Here is the same story. Correct plz.
17.08.2023, 10:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Please fix us too. Plus, the white background of the picture in the table has become gray
17.08.2023, 10:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Please return the image size to our box as it was
17.08.2023, 11:35
Original comment available on version: ua

The same problem with pictures, please return as it was
17.08.2023, 11:40
Original comment available on version: ua

https://os.strikeshop.ua/ - cancellation, we leave it as it is
17.08.2023, 11:49
Original comment available on version: ua

Now it's better, but there are large distances between the positions and the photos are cropped :(
17.08.2023, 12:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Product search https://prnt.sc/1sriG3E0W27C

the images are also too large, if there are a lot of similar titles, you have to scroll for a long time.

make the size as here

OXID wrote:

Now it has become better, but there are still large distances between positions and photos are cropped :(

17.08.2023, 14:40
Original comment available on version: ua

Can you please return the size?
17.08.2023, 16:32
Original comment available on version: ru

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Good afternoon, we have returned to the previous settings, return the update to our box - https://os.strikeshop.ua/desktop/
I liked the large images.
18.08.2023, 10:03
Original comment available on version: ua

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