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Good afternoon!
We noticed a pattern, if you manually credit any position, then a mark appears that it is "In stock", then we sell / write off at 0 and it becomes "Out of stock", and if we credit it from the supplier, it becomes "In stock" but then write off / sell under 0 and the checkbox "Supplier has" is not removed and the product is in stock because the supplier has it.
How to make it so that when the goods are received from the supplier, the checkbox is in stock at the supplier is not ticked?
Original question is available on version: ru


Суханіцький Андрій OneBox CORP
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license

OXID wrote:
How to make it so that when the goods are received from the supplier, the checkbox is in stock at the supplier is not ticked?

I explained to you in the last ticket, when posting the goods, an entry about the supplier is added and the "In stock" checkbox is ticked, but it is not automatically removed.
I set it up like this
1) Write the client in the additional field with the type "Contact directory".
2) Then by the action "Set a supplier for all products in the process" we set the supplier for all products from this additional field
3) With the action "Write the value in the additional field of the process product on the basis of the formula" I just write any value in the additional field of the process product (need to be created)
4) And the last "Set the presence of the product to the supplier from the additional field of the product to the process" sets the presence of the supplier of the product in the process according to the conditions
21.06.2022, 11:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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