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Action bug "Add products with the same values of an additional field to analogues"

Good afternoon. We have an action once a day "Add products with the same values of an additional field to analogues" and it seems that this action added all the box products that had this field empty to each other in analogues. And in the automation of products there is an action that copies the presence in the cards of analogues from the card of the main product. We found out only today, although even before that we could not understand why some products appear in stock, although everything is turned off and analogues were not filled in. Please help fix this glitch.
Original question is available on version: ru


The action has been fixed for several months now.
As an option - you can specify which additional field was used - I will remove from the database all products for which this field is empty.
18.01.2022, 16:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, Maxim.
Linked field
18.01.2022, 17:10
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim Tyndyk Good evening. Maxim, please remove all analogues from the system as soon as possible. We will then return them with an action once a day. Orders come in for goods that are not there, we lose the rating of the store on Rozetka (((
23.01.2022, 20:20
Original comment available on version: ru

Maxim Tyndyk Good afternoon. Look please.
25.01.2022, 13:20
Original comment available on version: ru

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