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Rolling back actions and creating a CPM changelog

There were a couple of times when importing data was put in the wrong fields because the manager in the file made a mistake and left the entire column empty
Ability to cancel the last import, posting (just make it more understandable)
In the Significant Changes Log, make it possible to select their types: adding a product, importing, exporting, deleting, creating a document and deleting it. Immeno those actions that are essential. and the ability to return back with a time limit so as not to clutter up the system
as a manager, giving access to an increasing number of employees, I want to be able to control so that they do not mess up something in the system
Original question is available on version: ru


I support! Alternatively, you can import following the example of Prom.ua https://i.imgur.com/BMu1e9R.jpg
06.07.2020, 12:06
Original comment available on version: ru

here I meant rollback of mass changes if something went wrong. Doing this through the Backup and the server is not an option, orders will also probably be rolled back and the processes carried out. + earlier there was a report about them in case of errors in import, now it is not there and if something didn’t fill up, I will only find out about it by checking in manual mode
15.07.2020, 20:34
Original comment available on version: ru

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