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Formation of documents

In the process, two invoices were issued: for the service and for the product. Accordingly, on the basis of the invoice for the service, an Act of completed work should be issued, and on the basis of the invoice for the goods - an invoice. Is it possible to make such a setting: if there is a service in the invoice, an Act of completed work is generated; if there is a product in the invoice, is an invoice generated? If possible, how exactly? The formation of documents in the process is configured through the appropriate procedures.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon, if you generate a document with an action on the zhtap, we can make settings in it "Do not generate a document if there is no product with the type "service" in the process" and "Do not generate a document if there are no products with the type "product" in the process". Takes 1h
21.01.2021, 10:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello! I was looking for similar settings for something similar :) I form the document using the procedures "Account" and "Act". It would be much more convenient to choose, say, a checkbox for which account to create the next document, click on the procedure and the desired document is generated.
21.01.2021, 11:33
Original comment available on version: ru

Tarasenko Oleg
Client wrote:
It would be much more convenient to choose, say, a checkbox to which account to create the next document

what essence of boxing do you mean by the word "score"? I suggest you make 1 procedure with 2 customized actions, you don’t have to think about what kind of document to generate and choose something somewhere, just set up the “Generate documents” procedure 1 time
21.01.2021, 11:39
Original comment available on version: ru

By "invoice" is meant the document "Invoice". After invoicing, the client can pay in a day or two or in a week. Therefore, acts and invoices may not be issued on the day of invoicing, but after some time. The act - after the provision of the service, and the invoice - on the day of shipment of the goods. For example, two invoices are generated in the process - for a service and for a product. The client paid both bills in three days. The goods are sent in three days, with an invoice. The service was closed in a week, respectively, it is necessary to form an Act of completed work.
Therefore, it is incorrect to generate all documents at once.
21.01.2021, 14:39
Original comment available on version: ru

In this case, it seems to me better to leave 2 procedures and issue an Out or Invoice in separate procedures
21.01.2021, 15:29
Original comment available on version: ru

That's how it's set up. But Boxing generates an act or invoice, in which both the service and the product (for both accounts). And there should be two different documents. How can Box indicate which Account this document will refer to?
21.01.2021, 15:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Tarasenko Oleg
Client wrote:
That's how it's set up. But Boxing generates an act or invoice, in which both the service and the product (for both accounts)

in the documents themselves there are variables that are separately responsible for services, goods and all together https://prnt.sc/xdk14f
21.01.2021, 16:28
Original comment available on version: ru

How to use this variable? Does she check what is on the invoice, a service or a product? Now in the invoice template the Unit of measure is {row:product_unit}, in the Act template it is also {row:product_unit}. If you put the {row:products_service)} variable in the Act template in the Unit of measure, and the product in the Invoice, then the document is still created without a unit of measure :(
21.01.2021, 18:34
Original comment available on version: ru

For example:
if you want to have all the products in the document, write the variables {row:product_unit}
if you want only services in the document, write: {row:service_unit}
those. all the same variables as in products, only replace row:product_ with row:service_
22.01.2021, 14:21
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the answer. Is it possible that an error was generated in the event of an attempt to create an act for a product or a consumable for a service? Those. to block creation of the document?
22.01.2021, 17:20
Original comment available on version: ru

you need to modify the create document action so that it does this. It can be improved in an hour.
22.01.2021, 18:01
Original comment available on version: ru

Okay, I'll think about how it would be more correct to organize work with documents and unsubscribe
27.01.2021, 20:31
Original comment available on version: ru

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