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Incorrectly recorded the id of the created process

Process https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/1910624/edit/
It has products, they have different warehouses.
There is a procedure https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflow/21/procedure/141/?status=0
It separates products into sub-processes depending on the warehouse, the setting is enabled in the action Add products from one process to another "When creating a new process, group the products of the process by warehouse. Create a separate process for each warehouse"

Also in action configured in add. process product field to record the process id to which the product was added

What is the point, if I select 2 products that have different warehouses and click on the procedure, it will create 2 processes, but the same process id will be written to both products, although the product is in a completely different process
Here's how it happened

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Corrected the logic of recording the value, it should be recorded correctly.
15.04.2021, 17:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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