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OS rate the calendar box

vicariist client /app/gtdcalendar/?mode=calendar timeline for the specified hour.
for the sake of clarity of planning, the hour of spivrobitnikiv ask for an estimate:
1. Since the date of Vikonati is fixed until the next day and later - it is necessary to extend such a process for the days, the dates are indicated until Vikonati until. maybe like this
If the date moves to the next day, then move it to that day.
2. Weekend days Sat and Mon, fill in light gray colors, as indicated on the screen in paragraph 1
Original question is available on version: ru


1. Since the date of Vikonati is fixed until the next day and later - it is necessary to extend such a process for the days, the dates are indicated until Vikonati until. you can be like this
If the date moves to the next day, then move it to that day.

it can't be done
better use this application https://crm-onebox.com/en/app/gantt/ - and it will be visible until the tasks are scheduled

2. Weekend days Sat and Mon, fill in light gray colors, as indicated on the screen in paragraph 1

I do not see much value in this, when Sat and Sun are always the last 2 days
04.11.2021, 14:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
1. Gantt is not suitable for the client. And in Google calendar it is possible, it is implemented like this , it is done like this - can you rate it?
2. ask the client if you can either rate the "Don't show holidays" box, or there will be 5 days in the calendar.
04.11.2021, 14:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
good afternoon, you can look at the screenshots in the rest of the comments - it's implemented in google calendars.
15.11.2021, 14:15
Original comment available on version: ru

We cannot do this yet, the technology of the front does not allow it.
Of course, you can get confused and do it, but it's hundreds of hours.
17.11.2021, 12:55
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Original comment available on version: ru

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