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Finding and merging duplicate contact cards

Now, due to the peculiarities of CRM, sometimes a lot of duplicates of one contact are created. Most often when using the API. It is necessary to make a refinement that will search for contacts with the same phone numbers, email and offer the user to combine them. In case of consent, contacts will have to be combined as in a standard function.
Original question is available on version: ru


When creating a revision, make it possible to view additional contact fields in order to determine which contact to connect to
19.05.2019, 00:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Add the ability to merge duplicates.
And the ability to combine two cards, for example, a client can write with viber, and then send something from vatsap, thus creating two different contacts.
01.06.2019, 23:15
Original comment available on version: ru

The ability to combine duplicate cards, at the moment, is in OneBox. When you delete a contact, the system offers to merge it with another. Enter the id of the desired contact in a special field and select the contact card that the system will pull up. As a result, the current card will be merged with the one whose id you entered.
12.06.2019, 17:08
Original comment available on version: ru

In boxing, there really is such a problem as maintaining customer data. I will try to explain the essence of the problem in the perspective in which we encountered it. For example, consider two options:
1. You have a setting in which contacts are NOT updated when new data is received. A client contacted you in a chat on the site and called himself "Vovan" with a phone number of 0505551122. Box created such a client and he appeared in the client database. After that, after some time, this client placed an order on the site where he indicated his data "Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky" with a phone number of 0505551122. The system identified the client by phone number and realized that such a client already exists and pulled up the already existing client "Vovan" with such a number. How do you think? This is right? Not!
2. You have the opposite situation and the setting is set in which contacts are updated when new data is received. You have a client in your database called "Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky" with a phone number of 0505551122. You have been fruitfully cooperating with him for a long time, you know his details. At one point, he decided to ask a question in a chat on the site, in which he indicated his name as "Vovan" and indicated the phone number 0505551122. The system naturally identified him, and realized that a client with such a phone already exists. According to the Box settings, the client data has been updated and now "Zelensky Vladimir Aleksandrovich" has become "Zelensky Vovan Aleksandrovich". This is right? Not!
That is, the creation of duplicate clients and updating their data should be somehow regulated and moderated. I can’t imagine automatic moderation of client data, because I don’t understand by which algorithm Box can determine which name is more correct “Vladimir” or “Vovan”, therefore I can only imagine manual moderation of such data. This is implemented in other CRM systems, but not in Box. For example, how it can work: duplicate contacts are allowed and new contacts are created each time. But! Once a day (or once an hour), Box checks contacts for duplication of fields that are of interest to you and informs you: "two clients with a phone number of 0505551122 were found in the database, one Vovan and the second Vladimir, Merge them? Which data is correct? Which ones to take as a basis ?" and a living person already independently chooses the correct data. I personally don't see any other way. Please consider these comments when developing.
18.06.2019, 15:16
Original comment available on version: ru

Support, there is a problem. need a solution
02.07.2019, 13:20
Original comment available on version: ru

In my opinion, this should be a procedure that looks for duplicates by email, phone, additional field, after it finds a duplicate, a table is created
No. Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
1 Peter 123 Peter 123 Petruha 123
and for each of the options, select the button as the main one, when you click on it, all other contacts will join it.
At the same time, it would be great if there was a daily task that would look for duplicates and, when they were found, set the task for the manager to merge with the same interface.
The advantage of this option is regularity and the person himself decides which option is really correct.
03.07.2019, 23:22
Original comment available on version: ru

@Danilov Sergey, great solution!
10.07.2019, 08:44
Original comment available on version: ru

The proposal has been accepted. A similar feature is being developed for the next release.
02.09.2019, 18:44
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
Class, the problem is, as they reportedly described more. I will add that in the event of joint contacts, the need to update, to replace and reschedule all processes, payments, warehouse operations, which were completed until the time of the joint. I’ll do it by hand right away.
10.01.2020, 15:59
Original comment available on version: ru

the implemented method of combining duplicates is not possible to use
27.09.2020, 22:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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