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OS: Cannot change Legal Entity in Process

In all processes (here is an example https://our-store.com.ua/45871/) for this group (https://our-store.com.ua/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/4/) it is not possible to select Legal face Nothing is displayed in the drop-down list.
The application "Legal entities and details" for this group is not installed, since this application was not installed in other groups either and everything works correctly.
There are no restrictions in the process interface.
Tell me, what could be the reason?
Original question is available on version: ru


02.12.2021, 13:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Zamogilny Dmitry thanks for the feedback.
I was just starting from the fact that this application is not added to this group
02.12.2021, 15:09
Original comment available on version: ru

In this case (getting a list of legal entities), it is checked whether the user is an administrator or whether All legal entities are enabled in the rights, if not, then it is checked whether access to each of the legal entities is enabled.
The application status (allowed or denied) does not matter here.
02.12.2021, 16:13
Original comment available on version: ru

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