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'update' field is not updated when bulk editing contacts

Hello, tell me please. We cannot understand why the "Update" field in the contact is not updated, it remains 2021-08-16 18:12. But in the contact history there was a contact change 2021-09-08 12:14:50 - additional field 89 was changed by mass editing.
Is it because the bulk edit does not update the "Update" contact field?
Please describe the logic of the "Update" field when it is updated...
Original question is available on version: ru


and tell me in the api the "update" field is "udatefrom"?
13.09.2021, 11:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, the udate field changes when you save a contact or change the main contact field. For additional fields this field may not respond.

Poltorak Sergey
Client wrote:
and tell me in the api the "update" field is "udatefrom"?

Is the documentation not clear enough? If not, give a link to the documentation and the method, I will indicate it accurately enough
13.09.2021, 14:07
Original comment available on version: ru

here https://crm-onebox.com/ru/api/users/ in the section "Parameters for getting all contacts" it is not described about udatefrom and udateto that the value of the date is not updated during mass editing Update ... but when saving the card, it is updated .
why is it not updated on bulk edit?
13.09.2021, 14:28
Original comment available on version: ru

after all, during mass editing, the user is also updated, and the "UPDATE" field should be updated
13.09.2021, 14:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Poltorak Sergey
Client wrote:
Options for getting all contacts

if you update the main fields of the user, then the date is put down. If additional fields - then the date should not be necessarily affixed
24.09.2021, 12:07
Original comment available on version: ru

somehow it's still not clear why when updating some fields, the "udatefrom" date is updated, but when additional fields are not updated?
what is this logic and when changing the bulk editing of the main fields, the "udatefrom" date is also not updated?
27.09.2021, 09:12
Original comment available on version: ru

when the main fields are updated
27.09.2021, 17:34
Original comment available on version: ru

i.e. when bulk editing the main fields, "udatefrom" is updated.
when bulk editing additional fields, "udatefrom" is not updated.
but when manually editing additional fields, "udatefrom" is updated.
and why is "udatefrom" not updated when editing any field of the process?
27.09.2021, 17:40
Original comment available on version: ru

because that's how the code is written.
28.09.2021, 15:11
Original comment available on version: ru

anonymous duck
OneBox production
Employee wrote:
because that's how the code is written.

This is understandable, but what is the logic?
right now the data in the field is not true...
30.09.2021, 09:31
Original comment available on version: ru

Tell me, this is still a bug - since the field changes in the process, the udate value should be updated
18.10.2021, 13:06
Original comment available on version: ru

when manually editing any field, you save the process. The date changes accordingly. When editing an additional field through bulk actions, the process is not saved, so the date of its editing does not change. If it is important for you to change it, you can do it as a setting in the bulk changes block. Takes about 1 hour.
25.10.2021, 11:25
Original comment available on version: ru

understood, such an answer suits us, please send an invoice - we need such an add-on in mass changes....
25.10.2021, 12:08
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. Added the setting "Change contact's udate in the bulk changes panel when making changes through this block" in the block with additional fields.
Link to setup https://box.fialan.com/admin/shop/user/masschange/block/
27.10.2021, 16:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks It works.
28.10.2021, 10:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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