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Whatsapp mailing list

Интересует готовое решение для работы с WhatsApp?
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Good afternoon.
Tell me, please, are there any ready-made solutions for connecting whatsapp and sending messages to clients?
To be able to indicate the name of the recipient in each message (take data from CRM)
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. In the Onebox market, you can connect the https://prnt.sc/vzvr02 module, after which it will be possible to respond to users in whatsapp from tasks. Unfortunately, there is no mass mailing for this service. It will take about 5 hours to make a mass mailing with the substitution of the name of the client who will receive the message. In this case, the box will be able to send a message only to those users who wrote to you after completing the specified settings https://prnt.sc/vzvud3 .
10.12.2020, 17:47
Original comment available on version: ru

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