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Frequency of CRM system access to mailbox

Please tell me, is there a setting or adjustment in the CRM system for the frequency of the system's access to mail from the CRM?
We have exceeded the number of requests to Google mail via IMAP and Google bans our mail almost every hour. Google support says that we need to reduce the number of requests to mail. They cannot increase or remove these restrictions.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon.
The essence of the mailbox parser is that we connect to the mailbox and maintain a connection with it throughout the entire mail parsing cycle, constantly checking whether new letters have appeared. But it is very strange that Gmail has such limitations - hundreds of clients use such integration and they have no problems with it (at least there were no requests).
If you really need to solve your problem so that, for example, after connecting to a mailbox, the system checks for new letters in the mailbox, for example, once every 5-15 minutes, you can implement a setting in the integration to indicate the checking period in minutes - such a revision will take 2 hours.
15.01.2025, 11:29
Original comment available on version: ru

We just constantly have an error that I described in this thread earlier:


Then they answered that it was necessary to remove certain limits in Google Workspace, and showed the settings in the system (the last message from the specialists in that topic), which were already implemented for us.

I contacted Google 4 times in total, and they gave me different recommendations, including re-creating the connection, reducing the number of devices on which the account is logged in, etc. None of this helped. Then, when I mentioned that 3-4 employees use this mail at the same time, Google representatives said that the error occurs precisely because of this. But this does not seem logical. Parser errors also occur at 3-4 am, when no one works with mail at all.

I also disabled mailing in processes - and this did not affect the error in any way, it still remained present. Therefore, I cannot say for sure whether the solution is really to check, as you said, for example, once every 5-15 minutes, since I still can not find out the exact cause of this problem.

I have attached a screenshot where you can see the frequency of the problem (including at night). If this error can really be solved by some improvement, we are ready to consider it. The only question is to determine the exact cause of this error... Perhaps your specialists could look at the logs of our system (link to the box in the first message) to verify the causes of the error? Thanks in advance
15.01.2025, 12:05
Original comment available on version: ru

I would also like to add that this error, as it turned out, sometimes popped up since the summer. But it began to appear en masse closer to the beginning of December.
15.01.2025, 12:06
Original comment available on version: ru

Just in case, I’ll also attach what the integration settings look like within the system.
15.01.2025, 12:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Navrotsky Sergey Sergeyovich wrote:
I contacted Google 4 times in total, and they gave me different recommendations, including re-creating the connection, reducing the number of devices on which the account is logged in, etc. None of this helped. Then, when I mentioned that 3-4 employees use this mail at the same time, Google representatives said that the error occurs precisely because of this. But this does not seem logical. Parser errors also occur at 3-4 am, when no one works with mail at all.

need to think
at first glance it looks like the problem is precisely in multiple connections to one mail (I previously knew about problems where Google doesn't like it when you "log in" to it often)
15.01.2025, 16:02
Original comment available on version: ru

If so, it's very sad, because employees really need to work with mail at the same time. But on the other hand, then such collisions would not happen at night. And today during the night there were many error messages (screenshot attached), although at night 100% none of the employees work with mail. But then from 8:42 in the morning there were no errors until 16:17.
Colleagues also assume that this could be a reaction to non-existent or erroneous emails from some of our clients. Maybe the system tries to deliver the mail many times, fails, and overloads the number of requests.
I would be grateful if you could think about this problem. It is possible that some improvements will be needed here, and then it will be necessary to contact the management and agree on payment. I just want to know for sure what the essence of the problem is...
15.01.2025, 18:39
Original comment available on version: ru

I forgot to attach the screenshot to the previous message.
15.01.2025, 18:39
Original comment available on version: ru

I should also add that I misinterpreted how my colleagues handle email. In reality, they don't sit in Gmail itself in so many simultaneous sessions. They do "mailing", which, as it turns out, means moving our processes from one stage to another (which causes the email to be sent at the process stage). And there is 1 (rarely 2) employee sitting in the email itself.
15.01.2025, 22:51
Original comment available on version: ru

Tindik Maxim Vadimovich
OneBox production wrote:

need to think

Hello. Do you have any thoughts on the issue, given the comments I added above? Thank you in advance...
17.01.2025, 11:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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