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Refinement to filtering in the product tables

Good day!
Recently, we have been asked to improve the filtering capability in the process tables: https://crm-onebox.com/en/support/interface/3653-sortuvannya-i-filtruvannya-v-ta...
Dyakuyu, work here.
What is it possible to increase the ability to display all positions, as if the field of the process, for which it is filtered, is not completed?
as it is possible to show the meaning, to display only goods, how to show the mind: https://prnt.sc/1000cm9
if the value is not indicated - you can enter all products: https://prnt.sc/1000f05
Original question is available on version: ru


Yarina wrote:
if the value is not indicated - you can enter all products: https://prnt.sc/1000f05

That is, the variable will be pulled up by an empty value?
You can add a setting that controls this - it will take 1 hour
19.02.2021, 16:15
Original comment available on version: ru

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