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Scrollbar: bug?

There is a small glitch with the scrollbar. When we open the list, the scrollbar is habitually at the bottom https://prnt.sc/vtovnp, but as soon as we scroll the list, the scrollbar jumps up. https://prnt.sc/vtoxcx
So special? Or can you make it familiar like in all interfaces of any other program - just from the bottom of the window?
Original question is available on version: ru


Hello. initially, when the page is loaded for the first time, the scrollbar is at the bottom, but after the first scroll, it rises 55px from the bottom of the screen and remains in a fixed position, this is done specifically for the convenience of scrolling in large tables, if left always at the bottom, the bottom lines may overlap with the slider
01.12.2020, 17:38
Original comment available on version: ru

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