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"Jumping" menu interface: suggestions

- Menu items jump without any logic and this is in the whole of Boxing, not just here.
1 - https://prnt.sc/vtdl03
2 - https://prnt.sc/vtdl8l
- Some settings pages have no connection to the menu at all. If you get distracted, then you may not understand what you entered into the settings.
We propose to make menu items like "breadcrumbs", but with a clear logical structure (and the ability to expand as a list - a triangle next to the menu items https://prnt.sc/vtdns3). Add "breadcrumbs" to all areas of the Box. https://prnt.sc/o949jj
Original question is available on version: ru


Michael wrote:
- Some settings pages have no connection to the menu at all. If you get distracted, then you may not understand what you entered into the settings.

If you are missing on a particular page return to the settings menu - we can evaluate its improvement.

Michael wrote:
We propose to make menu items like "breadcrumbs", but with a clear logical structure (and the ability to expand as a list - a triangle next to the menu items https://prnt.sc/vtdns3). Add "breadcrumbs" to all areas of the Box. https://prnt.sc/o949jj

These changes require very large implementation costs - at the moment we consider this not appropriate.
Perhaps we will take note in the next versions.
02.12.2020, 15:54
Original comment available on version: ru

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