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TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses

I ask you to determine the possibility and evaluate this TOR for finalizing the block of subprocesses - displaying in this {block of subprocesses } https://knkrd.1b.app/app/workflowtype-logistika/workflowstatus/138/interface/?ta... subprocesses from [subprocesses of a certain level https://prnt.sc/HjDOEYpUQCj9] and in a certain (business process and stages).

That is, it is necessary to be able to (add) settings for certain stages of business processes - for example:

(display sub-processes of sub-processes) of the business process (Customer Order) at stages (new order; in processing; sent; received; completed;)


(show sub-processes of the parent process) of the business process (invoice) at stages (new invoice; paid; completed;)


These subprocesses should be displayed in this block of subprocesses with the ability to save sorting

Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. Yes, it is possible to do so. Takes about 3 hours to complete. There will be a certain mini-table where on the left you choose which process (current, parent, subprocesses one level lower, parent top level) and on the right the statuses in which to take into account subprocesses. So you can add the desired number of conditions.
21.07.2023, 10:39
Original comment available on version: ru

This solution suits us. What are the next steps?
How much will such a modification cost?
21.07.2023, 15:30
Original comment available on version: ua

3 hours of revision is $90. You will receive an invoice for payment today or on Monday, after payment, the revision will be implemented within 2-3 weeks. After implementation, they will write in the current topic what and where has been finalized and how to set it up if there is something non-obvious.
21.07.2023, 15:55
Original comment available on version: ru

Can we send you the client's rezvits to your mail so that you can make the invoice right away? So they can pay you directly
21.07.2023, 16:12
Original comment available on version: ua

drop to e.timoshenko@crm-onebox.com, this is the email of the employee who will issue the invoice
21.07.2023, 16:18
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon. At the very bottom of the block settings is the field "Fine settings for displaying subprocesses" (under the fields available for display)
28.08.2023, 13:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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