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Make the system universal! The same things should be the same everywhere!

Columns of any tables should have the same editing functionality with the same fields, and in general be customizable!
For example, in the REACCOUNTING section:
The most important identifier in goods is the BARCODE. Always and everywhere in trade, identification and work take place on it.
The inventory is done manually. The item is being scanned.
Even in your inventory, the goods are added by barcode, but then it is impossible to find the goods in the table, because no barcode.
The format of any amounts must be the same and customizable everywhere. If the separator is a comma, then it should be so everywhere. If tenths and hundredths are shown as 2 decimal places, then such a display should be everywhere.
If the action is related to copying fields, then it should be possible to copy ALL fields! It’s not that in the COPY action you can copy the payment method, but you can’t write in the Write action (the e
Original question is available on version: ru


Delete button! http://joxi.ru/Y2LlMGlCQ6K3O2
Well, do the same everywhere! Below with all the buttons. There are SO many of these details. It's terribly inconvenient.
08.07.2020, 16:57
Original comment available on version: ru

Here's another:
The total is not displayed for all columns with numbers. Well, why is it different?
09.07.2020, 11:46
Original comment available on version: ru

Close the ticket, it's still useless 0
15.12.2021, 17:48
Original comment available on version: ru

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