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Change number format

For example, we import orders http://joxi.ru/D2PMxVLhk8zDpA
The fact is that the numbers in the file are displayed differently, with different separators https://prnt.sc/rrewmi
It is necessary that the numbers are displayed the same way.
Original question is available on version: ru


You have described the problem incorrectly. Don't change the number formats, make the number formats SAME. In boxing, different number formats are used in different places and this is unacceptable. One place uses 1562.50 and another place uses 1,562.60 !!! These are different formats, but there should be a SINGLE format. This is a bug that you put up for investment, it's a shame!
08.04.2020, 10:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Finally, others are also starting to raise this issue. The lack of a single format is utter nonsense!
19.06.2020, 01:26
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, it spoils the impression of the product terribly (it looks extremely illiterate) and it causes inconvenience! you have to bring everything in excel to a single format
05.11.2020, 20:00
Original comment available on version: ru

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