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goods from the supplier toysi and AFK are not unloaded

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goods from the supplier toysi b AFK are not unloaded - the application is enabled, the settings are made - the actions are created, the process is fixed. , the supplier has a contact, from the side of the supplier everything is included, but there is no initial loading of the goods either in manual mode or in the daily krone. Help.
Original question is available on version: ru


1. Toysi throws an access error under your details
here is the request that is sent http://toysi.com.ua/xAPI/index.php?mod=GTOVA&type=json&cid=ХХХХХХХХХХХХХ
where XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 30 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 have md5(YourLogin."_".base64_encode(Your password))
API response {"error":"Dostup zapreschen - kluch dostupa 'key' otsutstvuet v zaproshennoy ssilke or nepravilnyy. Svoy kluch dostupa vy mojete nayti v lichnom kabinete toysi, v razdele 'API'."}
if they have changed api - then let them give new documentation, I will appreciate it
they either changed their download or you inserted a link to the wrong file format that is integrated
since the action takes goods from the data->row tags and according to your link there are items->item + other names of all fields
02.02.2021, 10:01
Original comment available on version: ru

1. Toysi answer from support - Everything is written in the error: add the key=stringkey parameter to the link, which is displayed in the buyer's account in the API section. The cid parameter ceased to have a value six months ago, instead of it now key. You are using an old xml feed that works but is no longer being developed. The new feed (like the old one) is described here https://toysi.ua/1
At the same time, replace the domain toysi.com.ua with toysi.ua when you add the key.
02.02.2021, 16:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Zubarev Sergey
Client wrote:
1. Toysi answer from support - Everything is written in the error: add the key=stringkey parameter to the link, which is displayed in the buyer's account in the API section. The cid parameter ceased to have a value six months ago, instead of it now key. You are using an old xml feed that works but is no longer being developed. The new feed (like the old one) is described here https://toysi.ua/1
At the same time, replace the domain toysi.com.ua with toysi.ua when you add the key.

they are great at informing customers that they are changing api)))
in general there are 2 options
1) In 1 hour I will replace it now
2) We are waiting for the investment and will replace it in 3-4 weeks
02.02.2021, 16:21
Original comment available on version: ru

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