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Products from the DC Link supplier are not imported

Good day
In the automatic action, I selected Import data from the supplier
I want to choose the category that needs to be imported, but there are only categories from my box https://prnt.sc/6wvZQD9wBeBV
Next, I try to compare the category from the supplier with mine, but it also does not find any categories https://prnt.sc/7A1EwzllgJpe
What am I doing wrong? Previously, it was as if he chose separate categories
Original question is available on version: ua


Andrew wrote:
I want to choose the category that needs to be imported, but there are only categories from my box https://prnt.sc/6wvZQD9wBeBV

that's how it should be - checks for the category name and technical keys work there

Andrew wrote:
Next, I try to compare the category from the supplier with mine, but it also does not find any categories https://prnt.sc/7A1EwzllgJpe

maybe you don't have active access - you get the error "Access denied. Authorization failed. Please check credentials!"
write to dc-link, maybe something needs to be activated from their side
11.09.2024, 09:00
Original comment available on version: ua

There was a problem with API access. So far, a new add-on has been provided and everything is working. Thanks for the answer
12.09.2024, четверг, 16:35
Original comment available on version: ua

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