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Started to win a pardon when zavantazhenі on prom


Good afternoon. This most likely means that there are characters in your file that are not allowed for xml. They can get into it from product fields. To understand which of your products unloads a symbol, you need to download this xml, open it in a text editor (for example, sublimeText works well with large files), find the specified line and position and see what kind of symbol it is and in which product. After that, you just need to change the field of this product to a valid one for the xml format.
23.02.2021, 17:38
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
ok I'm trying
23.02.2021, 18:15
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
nіyak do not go out count pardon
24.02.2021, 09:59
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

What text is located at the "coordinates" specified in the error?
24.02.2021, 10:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Тзов Екомора
Personal license
https://prnt.sc/105i8j3 ale u file bula vchora 496 line. promka https://prnt.sc/105ia3p
24.02.2021, 10:42
macik9157@gmail.com Original comment available on version: ru

Chirkov Maxim
Tzov Ekomora wrote:
https://prnt.sc/105i8j3 ale u file bula vchora 496 line. promka https://prnt.sc/105ia3p

Well, it's logical, yesterday there was one file - an hour later another one (the description of the product has changed, the number of products, and so on). What is the problem with opening the file in the browser, seeing the error, its exact location. Then download, open in sublime and find a product in which they made a crooked description?
24.02.2021, 10:49
Original comment available on version: ru

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