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The checkbox for unloading goods to the prom does not work correctly

There is an action
There is a setting
Accordingly, if the goods are in warehouses other than the selected ones, you need to send false
Here is the item
It is available in warehouses other than the selected one.
But sends emptiness
And should
The logic is that if the product is not available anywhere - Out of stock (empty for promotion)
If there is in the warehouse I need - In stock ( true ) for promotion
If available in warehouses other than the selected one ( false )
How do I enable the checkboxes to do this?
And that is, 2 checkmarks, but in fact they do not work (
Original question is available on version: ru


Victoria, for the desired algorithm for calculating availability, you must uncheck the boxes
Instead of false, pass an empty value to the available field
Determine the availability of goods based on the balance in selected warehouses
and check the box
If the goods are available only in other warehouses that are not selected in the action, then instead of being available, send "false", if not anywhere - do not send anything
I updated the settings, now the action works correctly, please check
09.10.2020, 09:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello, it seems to be true, but not quite.
See there are 2 products
it is shown as - out of stock and in the unloading it looks like "available="" - that's right, everything is correct
And here is a product that is also not in any warehouse
But it is in the download as available=false , although it should be available="" - so that it says out of stock
We noticed that it passes as available=false, even if the product is not available, if it had some operations in the warehouse
That is, the goods are absolutely identical, but the top one was NEVER accounted for and was not sold, and the bottom one had operations, although it was not already in stock.
As I understand it, the system checks not the current state of the warehouse, but the general one, I don’t know
Please check if it works like this.
Check the availability of goods in the warehouse (selected in the action)
- If there is - true / finish add. checks, everything, the goods are in stock - leave this value
If the product is not in the selected warehouse - check all warehouses
- If there are other warehouses - write "False"
- If not in other warehouses - we write emptiness "".
If you need product examples, please let me know.
I would like to close this issue already :(
13.10.2020, 11:15
Original comment available on version: ru

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