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adjust the filter in the fallow land in another filter

The client from the car gallery and you need to adjust the filter in the fallow area in the form of another filter.
For example, it is necessary to select a car model from the filter, and in that model - a filter for the release of a car.
Possibly the functionality Selected filter https://prnt.sc/xr2i05 - but did not know how it was implemented.
it is necessary to implement a selection of such filters in the admin panel and view on the website template (which is possible).
Yakshcho tse dorobka, be kind, evaluate in the years of the programmer.
Original question is available on version: ru


use directories linked to each other and then bind directories to filters
29.01.2021, 11:39
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
maybe on an example?
є 2 dovidniks: "rocks" and "models"
https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/custom/object/ https://prnt.sc/xyxlbf
Dovіdnik "modeli", Rocky - linking the dovіdnik with the dovіdnik "rocky" https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/custom/object/directory/23/
Created a "models and fates" filter based on the model's input https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/products/filters/382/control/
And here you can select only one field from Dovidnik https://prnt.sc/xyxstd (selected "models")
I select in the products in the filters https://crm.susiak.com/admin/shop/products/4314/filters/ and there is also one field https://prnt.sc/xyxvvu (there is no model selected in us)
one field and show in filters, how to implement the choice of another filter in the fallow of the first one?
01.02.2021, 14:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор

Ustimenko Igor
OneBox CTO wrote:
use directories linked to each other and then bind directories to filters

can you comment on the example?
04.02.2021, 17:35
Original comment available on version: ru

let's try again to describe the algorithm that I saw in my experience, though it's still a perversion, to be honest))))
Without modifications, you can:
I think you can set up a connection to additional fields when, depending on the value of one additional field, it shows values in another (via links from the directory), then fill in the additional field and then copy the values from the additional fields to the filter
we have a connection of additional fields-filters + a checkmark in the products of the process that would prompt, taking into account other fields, there is also
05.02.2021, 18:07
Original comment available on version: ru

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