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Conflict in the operation of two applications.

The action of importing Products, Brands from CMS ExtraParts creates new brands in BOX and records their cat.id (ExtraParts) in the field shopbrand.code1c (BOX).
The action "Upload products/categories/filters/characteristics to opencart (via DB)" when exporting brands from BOX, rewrites the field shopbrand.code1c to manufacturer.manufacturer_id (opecart).
Thus, different brands with the same code1c are sometimes created in shopbrand (example: SELECT * FROM `shopbrand` WHERE `code1c` LIKE '101').
When re-exporting to opecart , the action compares shopbrand.code1c = manufacturer.manufacturer_id, not as explained to me:

Department of Care
OneBox production wrote:
This table is filled only if the brand creates a box and did not find one in the open card, fills it with values
manufacturer_id=brand id, store_id=0

I think it makes no sense to explain the consequences of such an export to opecart.
Original question is available on version: ua


The problem was solved by clearing the code1c field and disabling the export of brands.
11.06.2024, 20:51
Original comment available on version: ua

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