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Transmission of visibility for Magento

in automation settings https://drophubua.1b.app/app/automatization/hour/edit/ Export products to Magento https://i.imgur.com/vF5YfGw.png I pass visibility . The developers of the client site on magento say that visibility = 1 is passed and for those products visibility = 4 should be passed
where can you configure to transfer exactly this value when exporting products?
testing on the product https://drophubua.1b.app/app/product/9034/edit/?tabid=0
Original question is available on version: ua


visibility is transmitted only for version 2.1 and only 1 or 0. This cannot be controlled in any way, if you need some custom visibility, you can make 2 settings in which you can write down what to transmit if the product is hidden and what if it is not hidden, or you can take the value from the additional field, like it will be more convenient. Any of the settings will take 2 hours. Bill?
05.02.2024, 17:47
Original comment available on version: ru

Department of Care
OneBox production wrote:
visibility is transmitted only for version 2.1 and only 1 or 0. There is no way to manage this, if you need some custom visibility, you can make 2 settings in which you will write down what to transmit if the product is hidden or if it is not hidden or it will be possible to take the value from the dopfield, as it will be more convenient Any of the first buildings will take 2 hours. Issue an invoice?

Thank you, the client is thinking
09.02.2024, 15:20
Original comment available on version: ua

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