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almost everything that is allowed by АРІІІІІІІІІІІІ is implemented (for example, we transfer products, prices, discounts, filters, but they still don’t allow creating categories on ІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІ what exactly do you need to send or receive from Horosop?
almost everything that is allowed by АРІІІІІІІІІІІІ is implemented (for example, we transfer products, prices, discounts, filters, but they still don’t allow creating categories on ІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІІ
what exactly do you need to send or receive from Horosop?
I am interested, for example, if the product created in One Box is transferred to Horosop? Is the export of goods complete? I intend to change the store from PrestaShop, the integration with which is rather crooked, to Khoroshop
I am interested, for example, if the product created in One Box is transferred to Horosop?
Is the export of goods complete?
I intend to change the store from PrestaShop, the integration with which is rather crooked, to Khoroshop
here it is better to analyze with your integrator what exactly is done in Prestashop and works well, what does not work, what still needs to be done. And then check it all on Horosop (including prices, the version with АРИ is paid) regarding goods - I wrote above that they are transferred, but without categories. Do you have possible product variations (color/size)?
here it is better to analyze with your integrator what exactly is done in Prestashop and works well, what does not work, what still needs to be done. And then check it all on Horosop (including prices, the version with АРИ is paid)
regarding goods - I wrote above that they are transferred, but without categories. Do you have possible product variations (color/size)?
How hazy everything is with One Box... There is nothing to analyze the integration with PrestaShop, it does not work in my opinion. The way it works (only orders) - you can't call it work. Yes, there are color/size variations
How hazy everything is with One Box...
There is nothing to analyze the integration with PrestaShop, it does not work in my opinion.
The way it works (only orders) - you can't call it work.
Yes, there are color/size variations
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