Link copied -

does not convey the Ukrainian meaning of the name


Good afternoon. There are no products in the category Backpacks http://akmp.com.ua/app/product/?categoryid=1885 , i.е. box does not upload any products to opencart at all
17.05.2022, 15:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Wait a minute, there's already, look
Here is the item
Added a large list of fields

but even Russian is not transmitted
there are no logs, we can't see what's wrong. Basic settings (price, description normal - updates).
In opencart, here is the product
18.05.2022, 14:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Proprinted the product. The code with "language id on opencart" works only if we found such a language id in opencart and the same language is included in the box, i.e. in your case, if there is multilingualism in the box and the Ukrainian language is connected. But I think it can be transferred so that it does not look at this factor and always unloads these values, it will take 2 hours of refinement.
18.05.2022, 15:44
Original comment available on version: ru

and if I just install multilanguage and add 2 languages
- Ukrainian
- Russian
will this work? It's just not a problem to switch between them and that's it.
18.05.2022, 16:22
Original comment available on version: ru

yes, it will work. Put Russian as the main one and everything will be ok
18.05.2022, 16:24
Original comment available on version: ru

18.05.2022, 17:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Perhaps you pressed the start action manually and waited a little. In the same place, the launch of the action does not immediately go on, but after a couple of minutes, as the queue, roughly speaking, reaches it.
18.05.2022, 17:13
Original comment available on version: ru

Ukrainian - transmits.
But one last question please
Why didn't you transfer the Russian values of the tags?

Ukrainian - transmitted

And in the product and settings, both are indicated
18.05.2022, 18:29
Original comment available on version: ru

The product has standard meta tags, perhaps overwritten with their values.
18.05.2022, 18:30
Original comment available on version: ru

they are not selected for export

I ship them with extra. fields
19.05.2022, 09:41
Original comment available on version: ru

I'll see why it's not transmitting
19.05.2022, 11:28
Original comment available on version: ru

Hello, have you looked?
While still not broadcast in Russian
Here is the item
Here it is in opencart
24.05.2022, 09:59
Original comment available on version: ru

The language id for the default language does not need to be specified. The tooltip says "To pass values in records in another language, specify the id of this language on opencart", i.e. if in a language other than the default in the box, you need to transfer. And if you want to change in Russian, then you do not need to specify id. Removed the values, the changes dragged on.
27.05.2022, 16:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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