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Stopped coming for opencart


Сусяк Ігор
Valentin, as it worked, the great imovirnist, scho were changed in the Opencart itself.
While you can look at the retailers, turn it around like this:
+OS didn't transfer the database, IP didn't change, modules didn't install, domain repair, ssl certificate?
+API key working?
+ In the box, integration of work, export of goods, spratsovu, in the logs pardon?
28.12.2021, 19:23
Original comment available on version: ru

No, change was not made
at the same time, the prayers were moved, but there was a zatrimka in the dekilka year. Before Tim, the situation is similar - the prayers did not come for the song hour - then they came.
Tse posterіgaetsya less than today
28.12.2021, 19:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
If you have an MVP - the worst crowns are processed sequentially. It means that other tasks in the future, for example, a rozsilka, a price change, an automation - then a little bit of work is done, and then new tasks. You can marvel here /admin/shop/statistic/ , reports of 5 of the remaining most successful events on the screen:
global solution:
1. often help to switch to a vision server, if you want one like this https://www.hetzner.com/dedicated-rootserver/ex42-nvme/?ref=qmEl7orJEXpw
2. transition to OS - the architecture is changed there, the tasks run in parallel
29.12.2021, 10:30
Original comment available on version: ru

You may have made some changes. Now, when requesting an opencart, we get an error:
ATTENTION: Your IP was not found in the API access list!
ATTENTION: Incorrect API Key!
29.12.2021, 10:51
Original comment available on version: ru

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