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Good afternoon. There are no products in the admin panel, respectively, they are not displayed on the site either https://carstereo.com.ua/admin/shop/products/?searchLine=&categoryid=1 . Perhaps you remember some of the products that were in this category and you can find it in the admin panel through the search, then you can try to find who changed the category for it
18.08.2021, 17:35
Original comment available on version: ru

I remember so well
what to give you yogo name chi link?
target link for one of the products
Link to one more product from another subcategory
06.09.2021, 08:49
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day
Can you tell me what to do with this problem???????????
13.09.2021, 14:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Good afternoon, unfortunately, according to the history of product changes, I was not able to find out why the category of the product changed
24.09.2021, 12:09
Original comment available on version: ru

Fun. and scho work in such a vipadku? we are not alone in this category. how can we practice with your platform. Tell me please
27.09.2021, 14:12
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In my memory, this is the first case in 5 years when someone lost a category for all products. Most likely, you either deleted the old category tree and uploaded a new one, or somehow imported a list of products without categories. Boxing from nothing to do product categories do not overwrite. If you are on the cloud in case of loss of any data, there are backups from which you can restore them within a few days.
27.09.2021, 17:17
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I have a lot of things that I didn’t learn, but everything is in the first. In the admin area of the site, for the past hour, no one has come in, I’ve thrown some yogo trochs over the years, I’ve worked out that the category has arisen. її її in Зїї її in іншій үї ії now won't bula yak podkategorіya і vіdpovіdno іnіy no products. I don’t know, I didn’t figure it out myself. Now the other category has moved to another category and also has a product.
28.09.2021, 12:30
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Konstantin, except for you and your employees, no one can influence the location of goods in categories, and even more so change the category tree
28.09.2021, 14:45
Original comment available on version: ru

understood. everything is like zavzhdi not mi not ours is not known. but I can smell a lot of rock in your company
28.09.2021, 18:37
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good day. added one position but її all the same did not show in the subcategory.
30.09.2021, 17:32
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by trying again to add the goods and the axis sho pobachiv . there was a note removed goods.
30.09.2021, 17:56
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This means that on all products there is a mark of a removed product. I don’t understand in some way. now in the subcategory there are only two current goods otherwise not shown in the list. and before that, yak mi added showed
30.09.2021, 17:58
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор

Vasiliev Konstantin Anatolievich
Client wrote:
This means that on all products there is a mark of a removed product.

it means you didn't put it here /admin/shop/settings/CRM/
check the box "When creating a new product, do not mark it as a waste"
and all relevant products can go to their filters /admin/shop/product/filter/block/
add block "Show deleted products" - and sort by deleted /admin/shop/products/?filtercustom1=&filtercustom8=&filterpricefrom=&filterpriceto=&filtercustom3=&filter_show_deleted=1&filtertags=&supplierid=&filtername=&filterviewsfieldid=&filterviewsto=&filterid=empty&filtercode1c &filterbrands=&filter_nofilter=&filterarticul=&filterauthorid=&fromfiltercustomrozprodazh8=&tofiltercustomrozprodazh8=&filtergroupped=&filtermodel=&filtercustom6=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=&categoryid=&searchLine=
can be like this - give them a massive boost.
01.10.2021, 12:28
Original comment available on version: ru

it’s clear that we didn’t set)) !!! I know about the cost of 10 roci koristuvannya. for this instruction, do not enter us. Can you tell your specialist?
07.10.2021, 11:05
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор

it’s clear that we didn’t set)) !!! I know about the cost of 10 roci koristuvannya. for this instruction, do not enter us. Can you tell your specialist?

so you sorted and there are no goods available, either you can help only backup backup, or you can get only administrator Box and a paid service. As important as it is - put up a weasel and we will fix the tasks.
07.10.2021, 11:14
Original comment available on version: ru

as relevant as the price is adequate
07.10.2021, 13:34
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Through Google, I know my site and there are no such products on the site at the same time. vin not є vidalenim іnakshe google not knowing bi yogo
07.10.2021, 13:36
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор

Vasiliev Konstantin Anatolievich
Client wrote:
Through Google, I know my site and there are no such products on the site at the same time. vin not є vidalenim іnakshe google not knowing bi yogo

here the food is not Google, but your product itself. yakscho link to your site - it means the product is exactly є. it is most remarkable that yoga was moved to a different category, and not removed.
You can click to buy and see in the specific category of the product. dali - move bulk to the required category.
07.10.2021, 14:23
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
or just in the Global search find the product with the code 4524
07.10.2021, 14:24
Original comment available on version: ru

Marvel. I know the goods in Google. pottіm through a global search in the admin, after I go to the product, I don’t change anything, I’m picking the same subcategory again. I just reorder it again and the goods are listed on the website. now one category has moved to subcategory, the goods are not listed on the market. in defense systems. what is going on???
11.10.2021, 10:03
Original comment available on version: ru

Trying to turn the category of auto accessories to head first. after that, as a change in the Batkivsk category, it appeared on the site in the hat as a category, but without goods. turning back її to the defense systems of the comrades є.!!! how to fight against these miracles
11.10.2021, 10:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
to get in touch, you need access to your box, but I don’t have it.
check if the products are listed correctly in the admin, the categories themselves are here /admin/shop/category/manage/ , the products can be viewed by categories like this /admin/shop/products/list-table/mode/?searchLine=
displaying goods in the category in the template for the online store the following functionality: if you move the goods and appear in a different category, it means that changing the category does not allow you to display, otherwise you can redirect the category to the admin url, you can see: redirect /shop/redirect/
11.10.2021, 12:26
Original comment available on version: ru

I don’t understand everything, but I can give you access to have a look
11.10.2021, 13:14
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
send to mail info@integrator.com.ua
then remember the password.
11.10.2021, 13:32
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
vіdpovіv e-mail, showing the de іstorіya of the product and what you can see there the change of the category
11.10.2021, 18:15
Original comment available on version: ru

Good day. you can probubvat your phone number. by email. such
09.11.2021, 10:43
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
having written to you, I also duplicate the result:
product /admin/shop/products/4524/history/?userid=&systemchange=1&filter2_key=valueold&filter2_type=search&filter2_value=&filter3_key=valuenew&filter3_type=search&filter3_value=&fieldkey=&filtercdatefrom=&filtercdateto=
here in the history it is clearly shown that the categories change in the name Konstantin
for whom it is enough to go to the product card and change the category, or in the product list in bulk.
09.11.2021, 11:07
Original comment available on version: ru

then put us there in order with these goods.
mi rosrah
13.09.2022, 16:52
Original comment available on version: ru

Сусяк Ігор
sorry, it doesn't work that way. We don't know how you are "correct".
as it is necessary, if you were nailed - turn to some kind of integrator: https://1b.app/ua/partner/search/?tags[]=3
if you picked it yourself - mark my opinion as a tick mark.
13.09.2022, 18:28
Original comment available on version: ru

I don't understand. me here let me tell you what to pay for 30 c.u. you say it’s not up to you))
14.09.2022, 09:41
Original comment available on version: ru

I gave the answer
you will be billed today
14.09.2022, 11:03
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Good afternoon. Now products have appeared in categories, check
03.11.2022, 09:56
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Васильев Константин Анатольевич
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
21.11.2022, 13:01
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Васильев Константин Анатольевич
Leave a message in this thread and the user's contacts will be shown to you
Good day. so now є. there is a problem of yak vilіzl (((. we can’t get the photo to the goods. dude with the hosting, having shown that there is a problem there and we’ve transferred it to the old version of the chogos there schob vіn hoch pratsyuvav. robotic scripts on a streaming version of PHP.
Having changed the PHP version of the site carstereo.com.ua to the old PHP7.2, the site was restored, but I didn’t think that the site’s functionality would be correct.
chi take virishuvati?
30.11.2022, 11:03
Original comment available on version: ru

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