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General chat window size

Good afternoon, please make some minimum height for the chat block so that on small screens you can see more than one message, such as in the chat block of Viber or Telegram bots.

And it would be great to use the entire height of large screens and not fix the height of the block. Because it is much more comfortable to see more messages at the same time than to scroll.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good afternoon. The height of the window is calculated by the script when loading the chat and depends on the height of the screen
29.12.2023, 14:19
Original comment available on version: ru

Yes, I understand that this is how it works now, it’s just that all laptops only fit 1-2 messages, and when scrolling, some messages can be scrolled through and they are skipped, which is very inconvenient.

And it turns out that there is free space for the General Chat block.

Can I do it the same way as in the Viber chat block?
29.12.2023, 15:33
Original comment available on version: ru

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