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The employee's telegram bot does not receive content from the order


According to the template for sending a message to telegrams, the value from the additional field "Number of pumps" is transferred to the value of the Pump, you do not have this value, so nothing was sent.
This field is filled in immediately at the stage, the actions that check and record the values for the pump are the values 154,16 or 15, you have a pump with a value of 310 and the condition was not met for it, therefore its number was not counted
02.05.2023, 16:30
Original comment available on version: ru

Thanks for the answer. Tell me, is it possible to transfer the value of any product from the "Pumps" group to telegrams? And how to do it?
02.05.2023, 16:53
Original comment available on version: ru

In the action of sending a message to telegram, under the text of the message there is a link to the variables that can be used there
For example, if you need to display the name and number of pumps only, you can use the following code, for example, if you have Pumps in the additional field with the TYPE key in the product card itself:
{|foreach from=$basketsArray item="b"|}
{|if $b.customProduct_TYPE == 'Pumps'|}
{|$b.name|} - {|$b.count|}
02.05.2023, 17:00
Original comment available on version: ru

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