When we create a TTN with several places https://prnt.sc/10cu9nv and then print a TTN of zerbs, through the mass changes panel https://prnt.sc/10cuaky, 2 zebras are printed and they have different weights https://my. novaposhta.ua/orders/printMarking100x100/orders/20450352220911/type/pdf/apiKey/f8ac077dab3c1904a12b481e4bed4686/zebra
Is it possible, if there are 2 or more places, the weight of the parcel was divided equally between all parcels?
When we create a TTN with several places https://prnt.sc/10cu9nv and then print a TTN of zerbs, through the mass changes panel https://prnt.sc/10cuaky, 2 zebras are printed and they have different weights https://my. novaposhta.ua/orders/printMarking100x100/orders/20450352220911/type/pdf/apiKey/f8ac077dab3c1904a12b481e4bed4686/zebra https://prnt.sc/10cubfc Is it possible, if there are 2 or more places, the weight of the parcel was divided equally between all parcels?
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