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Incorrect operation of the process

Good afternoon. We have notifications set up in cases where the parcel is stored for 3+ days at Nova Poshta. Order 26370, new mail shows that even the cover has already been taken, and the OB displays "last day in the department" and sends notifications, instead of fulfilling the order. What is the problem? Please correct
Original question is available on version: ru Максим


Gorobets Maxim
Client wrote:
and OB displays "last day in branch" and sends notifications instead of order fulfillment

Hello, please clarify what this means. What is OV, what notifications.
If you mean that the order did not go to one of the stages, then in the logs I see that some process could not be switched due to an error that was thrown by the status transfer action into the socket. Perhaps this was the specified process. Try switching the stage manually.
09.10.2020, 13:13
Original comment available on version: ru

OB - onebox. We have telegram notifications set up if the client did not pick up the package on the third day of storage. It turns out that the OV did not read the current status of the TTN about what was taken and the money was given out and thinks that the parcel is still in the department. The socket is nothing. This is not an outlet order. Manually it is clear that you can switch. The point is different - we set it up so that we do nothing manually
09.10.2020, 16:23
Максим Original comment available on version: ru

Gorobets Maxim
Client wrote:
We have telegram notifications set up

Where are notifications? Where in the box are they set up?
09.10.2020, 16:24
Original comment available on version: ru

As I understand it, it all comes down to the fact that the box did not switch the process to some stage depending on the delivery status of the ttn. If I'm right, please reset the link to this step.
09.10.2020, 16:25
Original comment available on version: ru

right, boxing did not switch the process to the stage Order completed. Didn't understand how you can reset the link to the stage?
09.10.2020, 16:34
Максим Original comment available on version: ru

https://crm.smartid.com.ua/admin/shop/workflowstatus/96/action/new/ like this)
https://prnt.sc/uw6cfc there is no action set here that will switch to the stage with the status of the ttn "Administration canceled. I've seen a penny order". And you have this status in the process.
I also want to remind you that if you set this action now, then New Mail still will not switch the process, because the check for the stage occurs only at the moment when a comment about the changed ttn stage is added to the process.
09.10.2020, 16:41
Original comment available on version: ru

Very strange, all these actions should have been set by your customizer. Could it fly?
09.10.2020, 18:11
Максим Original comment available on version: ru

No. Ask for this information specifically to the person who set up the box for you or add the action yourself (it's not difficult)
09.10.2020, 19:11
Original comment available on version: ru

If not difficult, then please explain in 2 words how)
09.11.2020, 09:14
Максим Original comment available on version: ru

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxtycgcqT-8&feature=emb_logo&ab_channel=... %B2%D0%9B%D0%B5%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%B7%D0%B0 here is a video of one of our integrators. As he adds the action starts from the first minute. Just go to the desired stage and drag the desired action
10.11.2020, 17:47
Original comment available on version: ru

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