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Doesn't search for cities in Ukrainian

1. When the option "Search for cities in both languages when entering an address during the process or manual creation of a consignment note" is enabled in the integration settings, it does not search for cities in the Ukrainian language.

In Russian it searches for cities, but on the contrary, it does not search for streets in Russian, but finds them in Ukrainian.

The default language in the box and API NP is Ukrainian.

Process for the test https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/566467/

2. In the field (order.order_clientaddress) with the New Mail automation enabled and the TTN Parameters block, different directories are used? The city Pivdennoukrainsk in the Address field is found only as Yuzhnoukrainsk.

If the TTN Parameters block is not displayed, then the TTN is not created with any spelling option.
Original question is available on version: ru


Good day. Try it now, I updated your box.
03.02.2025, 12:29
Original comment available on version: ru

Now, when the setting "Search for cities in both languages when entering an address during the process or manual creation of a consignment note" is enabled, it searches only in Ukrainian.

In the Address field, only Yuzhnoukrainsk is still found and there is an error when creating a TTN without the TTN Parameters block

If you write Південноукраїнськ in the Address field, then RecipientAddress is empty:

<CityRecipient>e221d650-391c-11dd-90d9-001a92567626</CityRecipient><Recipient>70cc7e4c-911f-11e6-a54a-005056801333</Recipien t><RecipientAddress></RecipientAddress><ContactRecipient>488ded08-e23a-11ef-bcd0-48df37b921da</ContactRecipient><RecipientsP hone>3809*****681</RecipientsPhone><AdditionalInformation></AdditionalInformation><InfoRegClientBarcodes>566467</InfoRegClie ntBarcodes><MarketplacePartnerToken>1700f15da03c-bf69-48cf-2db7-fb4804ad</MarketplacePartnerToken></methodProperties></root>

[response] => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<root><success>false</success><data/><errors><item>RecipientAddress not selected</item></errors><warnings/><info/><messageCodes/><errorCodes><item> 20000200268</item></errorCodes><warningCodes/><infoCodes/></root>

If you select Yuzhnoukrainsk from the list in the Address field, then RecipientCity is empty:

<CityRecipient></CityRecipient><Recipient>70cc7e4c-911f-11e6-a54a-005056801333</Recipient><RecipientAddress>01ee22eb-e234-11 ef-bcd0-48df37b921da</RecipientAddress><ContactRecipient>e8846d17-e23c-11ef-bcd0-48df37b921da</ContactRecipient><RecipientsP hone>3809*****681</RecipientsPhone><AdditionalInformation></AdditionalInformation><InfoRegClientBarcodes>566467</InfoRegClie ntBarcodes><MarketplacePartnerToken>1700f15da03c-bf69-48cf-2db7-fb4804ad</MarketplacePartnerToken></methodProperties></root>

[response] => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<root><success>false</success><data/><errors><item>CityRecipient not selected</item></errors><warnings/><info/><messageCodes/><errorCodes><item> 20000200104</item></errorCodes><warningCodes/><infoCodes/></root>
03.02.2025, 16:42
Original comment available on version: ru

Display the TTN Parameters block and select the address there. Also in the integration settings there is a setting https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/settings/novaposhta/ "novaposhta-autocomplete-address-set-ref", it is needed so that when entering text and selecting an address from the hint we can write down the id of this address.
04.02.2025, 15:01
Original comment available on version: ru

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